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Event about family courts and domestic abuse in Surrey – Tuesday 5th December 2023

2nd November 2023

Firebird and Rights of Women invite you to attend a free half-day joint working workshop on domestic abuse and family justice in Surrey, including a networking lunch.

This workshop is being offered as part of the domestic abuse and the family court project being run by Rights of Women and Firebird. The project brings together all the key people in Surrey to develop best practice regarding domestic abuse in the family court. They are delighted that representatives from specialist domestic abuse services, the domestic abuse survivor engagement group, HMCTS, Cafcass, Surrey County Council, the judiciary and local lawyers have already agreed to attend.

The workshop is on Tuesday 5th December from 9.30am-1.30pm. It will consist of sessions including an overview of issues in family justice in Surrey, and joint collaborative thinking to come up with solutions.

This will end with a relaxed lunch where you have the opportunity to reflect on the discussion and network and get to know each other.

For any questions, and for details about the event including how to attend, please contact Joanna Shaw at Rights of Women: